Microsoft Office 365 allows users to export their mailbox permissions to a CSV file. This article will show you how to export your mailbox permissions from the cloud and import them into a new or existing Exchange Server 2016 organization.

The get-mailbox permissions export to csv is a command-line tool that exports the mailbox permissions of an Office 365 account.

We’d need a list of Office 365 mailbox permissions so we can see which users have access to which mailbox. Full access, send as, and send on behalf are the mailbox permissions. It takes a long time to go into the Microsoft 365 admin site and go through each user one by one to discover mailbox rights. PowerShell is a great method to export an Office 365 mailbox permissions report. We’ll look at how to use PowerShell to export Office 365 mailbox permissions to CSV in this post.


The script will export the mailbox permissions for all users and shared mailboxes in Microsoft 365/Office 365:

  • Access to everything
  • Send As
  • On Behalf of

Do you wish to export the permissions for your Exchange on-premises mailboxes? Learn how to export mailbox permissions to a CSV file in the article Export mailbox permissions to a CSV file.

Online access to Exchange

We need to install and connect to Exchange Online PowerShell V2 before we can export Office 365 mailbox permissions to CSV. Run the Connect-ExchangeOnline cmdlet in Windows PowerShell as an administrator.

Connect-ExchangeOnline (PS C:>)

We can go on to the next stage now that we’re linked.

Prepare a PowerShell script for Get-MailboxPermissions.

On the C: disk, create two folders:

Get-MailboxPermissions.ps1 is a PowerShell script that should be placed in the C:scripts folder. The CSV file will be exported to the C:temp folder by the script.


Run the PowerShell script Get-MailboxPermissions.

PowerShell may be used to get Office 365 mailbox permissions. To begin, modify the scripts folder’s path. Run the Get-MailboxPermissions.ps1 script after that.

PS C:scripts>.Get-MailboxPermissions.ps1 PS C:scripts>.Get-MailboxPermissions.ps1

CSV file for the Open Office 365 mailbox permissions report

The PowerShell script Get-MailboxPermissions.ps1 exports Office 365 mailbox permissions to a CSV file. In the C:temp folder, look for the file MailboxPermissions.csv.


Use your preferred program to open the CSV file. It’s Microsoft Excel in our case.


The report on Office 365 mailbox permissions seems to be quite good.


Let’s say you wish to see the report in a grid format. You may, for example, want to see how the report appears before exporting it to CSV. If that’s the case, we’ll need to utilize the Out-GridView cmdlet.

Line 59 should be changed to:

$Report | Sort -Property @Expression = $_.MailboxType; Ascending = $False; Mailbox | Export-CSV c:tempMailboxPermissions.csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8; Mailbox | Export-CSV c:tempMailboxPermissions.csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8; Mailbox | Export-CSV c:tempMailboxPer


$Report | Sort -Property @Expression = $_.MailboxType; Ascending = $False, Mailbox | Out-GridView, $_.MailboxType, $_.MailboxType, $_.MailboxType, $_.MailboxType, $_.MailboxType, $_.MailboxType, $_.MailboxType, $_.MailboxType, $ .

Let’s execute the script after altering the above line to see how it looks in the grid view window.


In the out grid view window, the Office 365 mailbox permissions look fantastic.

Have you been able to export Office 365 mailbox permissions to a CSV file as a result of this?


You learnt how to use PowerShell to export Office 365 mailbox permissions. Using the Get-MailboxPermissions PowerShell script, get the Office 365 mailbox permissions report and examine it thoroughly. After you’ve gone through everything, make any necessary changes to the mailbox permissions.

Did you find this article to be interesting? You may also be interested in using PowerShell to manage calendar permissions in Office 365. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter and share this post.

The shared mailbox permissions office 365 powershell is a PowerShell script that exports the mailbox permissions for an Office 365 account.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I export Office 365 users to CSV?

You can export Office 365 users to CSV by following these steps.

How do I export shared mailbox permissions?

You can export your shared mailbox permissions by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of your inbox and selecting Export Shared Mailbox Permissions.

How do I export a shared mailbox to a csv file?

You can export your shared mailbox as a csv file by going to the Shared Mailboxes tab and clicking on the desired mailbox.

Related Tags

  • export mailbox permissions office 365
  • powershell get-mailbox delegates office 365
  • office 365 mailbox permissions report
  • powershell export shared mailbox permissions to csv
  • export mailbox permissions exchange 2016