For people experiencing osteoarthritis (OA), particularly in the knee, tormenting the executives can turn into a first concern. At the point when conventional medicines like painkillers, calming drugs, or exercise-based recuperation are as of now insufficient to ease the aggravation, infusions of hyaluronic corrosive (HA) items might be suggested. Two of the most generally recommended HA infusions are Orthovisc and Synvisc. Both of these items are intended to decrease torment and work on joint capability in patients with osteoarthritis. In this article, we’ll contrast Orthovisc vs Synvisc to assist you in comprehending their disparities, how they work, and which may be the better decision for your necessities.

What are Orthovisc and Synvisc?

Orthovisc and Synvisc are injectable types of hyaluronic corrosive (HA), a normally happening substance tracked down in the synovial liquid of sound joints. HA goes about as oil and safeguards in the joints, permitting them to move without a hitch and torment. In individuals with osteoarthritis, the centralization of hyaluronic corrosive in the joint declines, prompting expanded grating, aggravation, and agony during development.

Both Orthovisc and Synvisc are viewed as viscosupplements, meaning they are utilized to enhance the normal hyaluronic corrosive in the knee joint to further develop oil and pad the joint. These infusions are regularly proposed to people who have not tracked down adequate help with discomfort from oral meds, exercise-based recuperation, or corticosteroid infusions.

Key Contrasts Among Orthovisc and Synvisc

Although both Orthovisc and Synvisc are intended to mitigate the side effects of knee osteoarthritis, there are a few distinctions between the two that patients and medical care suppliers ought to consider.

1. Synthesis

  • Orthovisc: Orthovisc is produced using super unadulterated, high-sub-atomic weight hyaluronan that is obtained from bacterial aging. It is liberated from creature proteins, which makes it reasonable for people with sensitivity to creature items.
  • Synvisc: Synvisc, then again, is gotten from hyaluronan extricated from chicken brushes (chicken tissue). It comprises of Hylan An and hylan B, which are synthetically cross-connected to make a gel-like consistency that is thicker than normally happening hyaluronan.

For patients who have sensitivity to avian items or plumes, Orthovisc may be the better choice, as it contains no creature-inferred fixings.

2. Therapy Timetable

Orthovisc: Treatment with Orthovisc regularly includes a progression of three to four week-by-week infusions. The suggested measurement is one infusion each week, conveyed straightforwardly into the knee joint. A few patients might begin encountering help after the main infusion, yet the full impact normally becomes recognizable after the series is finished.



Synvisc is accessible in two forms: Synvisc and Synvisc-One. The conventional Synvisc treatment includes three infusions given throughout three weeks. Synvisc-One, a solitary infusion rendition, offers a similar measure of HA yet in one portion rather than three. This is a more helpful choice for patients hoping to limit specialist visits, yet the viability of the single infusion versus various infusions might change between people.


  • Orthovisc: Clinical examinations have shown that Orthovisc is viable for lessening torment and working on joint capability in numerous patients with knee osteoarthritis. Relief from discomfort is generally slow, with full advantages felt after finishing the tasks of infusions.
  • Synvisc: Synvisc has likewise been demonstrated to give huge help from osteoarthritis torment, with a comparative continuous beginning of torment decrease. Synvisc-One might offer a more helpful treatment choice, however, a few patients might find that spreading the portions out north of three weeks, as with conventional Synvisc, gives them improved results.

Picking either Orthovisc and Synvisc

The decision between Orthovisc and Synvisc relies upon a few elements, including your clinical history, expected sensitivities, way of life inclinations, and the proposals of your medical care supplier. Here is a fast manual to assist you with choosing:


Sensitivities: On the off chance that you are susceptible to avian items (like quills or eggs), Orthovisc is the more secure choice, as it is obtained from non-creature sources.

Comfort: If you favor fewer infusions, Synvisc-One offers the accommodation of a solitary infusion. Notwithstanding, a few patients might be inclined toward the conventional three-infusion treatment for better, more steady outcomes.

Last Thought

Both Orthovisc vs Synvisc are compelling hyaluronic corrosive medicines for overseeing knee osteoarthritis torment, with each offering unmistakable advantages regarding creation, treatment routine, and patient accommodation. Eventually, the decision between Orthovisc and Synvisc ought to be made because of your clinical history, and inclinations, and in discussion with a medical services proficient. The two medicines can give critical alleviation from osteoarthritis torment and work on personal satisfaction for some patients.