I was working on my computer when it unexpectedly restarted. This is a common problem, but there are a few things you can try to fix the issue.

The the computer restarted unexpectedly loop while installing windows 10 is a problem that has been present for a while. Microsoft has released 9 fixes to fix the issue.

Milan Stanojevic is a writer who lives in Belgrade, Serbia.

Expert in Windows and Software

Milan has been fascinated by computers since he was a kid, and this has led him to be interested in all PC-related technology. He worked as a front-end web developer before joining WindowsReport. Continue reading

20th of October, 2021

Originally published in April 2018

  • If you’ve finally made the decision to upgrade to Windows 10, being stuck in an error loop while attempting to install the OS may be disheartening.
  • Is it possible that the computer suddenly restarted? You’ve arrived at the correct spot to discover all of the solutions to this installation issue. Follow the procedures outlined below to complete your update securely.
  • In the event of install problems, you may wish to dig further into the subject in case you run into any additional issues.
  • Don’t be hesitant to take advantage of every piece of helpful advise we have to give. Explore and bookmark our comprehensive Windows 10 mistakes center so it’s always only a click away when you need it.



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  • This month, 0 readers have downloaded Restoro.

Windows 10 is a fantastic operating system, but the installation procedure isn’t always straightforward.

In that vein, a number of consumers have expressed their dissatisfaction with the service. While attempting to install Windows 10, the machine suddenly rebooted in a loop. This may be a significant issue, but there are many options to consider.

What can I do to make it better? Error: The computer suddenly restarted?

The machine restarted suddenly error may be very troublesome, and users have reported the following issues in relation to this error:

  • Setup is beginning services – The machine rebooted abruptly or encountered an unexpected problem. This issue may occur as a result of your boot settings, and if it does, you may need to change your settings.
  • Windows 10 Surface Pro 4 – Computer rebooted suddenly loop This issue may occur on virtually any PC, and it has been reported by numerous Surface Pro 4 users. You should be able to repair it using one of our options, however.
  • Windows 7, Windows 8 – The machine suddenly restarted loop This issue may occur on virtually every operating system, including Windows 7 and Windows 8. Even if you don’t have Windows 10, one of our solutions should be able to help you solve the issue.
  • The machine suddenly restarted the installation, and the installation could not continue — This issue may sometimes prevent you from installing Windows 10. Check to see whether your hard drive is correctly attached if this occurs.
  • The machine abruptly restarted regedit – Your registry may sometimes be the source of this issue. However, by altering a few registry settings, you may quickly resolve the issue.

Use the Registry Editor first.

You’ll need to utilize Registry Editor to resolve this issue. Follow these steps to do so:

  1. When you get the error message The machine rebooted abruptly, hit Shift + F10 on your keyboard. This should bring up the Command Prompt window.
  2. To open Registry Editor, type regedit and click Enter.
  3. Navigate to the HKEY LOCAL MACHINESYSTEMSetupStatusChildCompletion key once Registry Editor is open. The-computer-restarted-unexpectedly-Windows-10-error

    Then on the right pane, double-click setup.exe.

  4. Change the Value Data from 1 to 3 and save the changes by clicking OK. 1634740770_243_The-computer-restarted-unexpectedly-Windows-10-error
  5. Restart your computer after closing Registry Editor.

2. Make sure your hard drive cables are in good shape.

It’s possible that you’ll become trapped at times. Due to an issue with the hard drive connection, the computer rebooted in an unanticipated loop.

Switching the cables that link the hard disk to the motherboard has been reported to solve the problem, so you may want to try that.

Remember that opening your computer case voids your warranty, so if your PC is still under warranty, it’s probably best to take it to an authorized repair facility.

3. Format the installation partition and reset your BIOS settings.

You may be able to repair it, according to a few users. By resetting your BIOS and putting your USB flash drive as the primary boot device, your machine will restart unanticipated loop.

Refer to your motherboard’s documentation for full information on how to accomplish this.

After you’ve done all of the required adjustments in BIOS, use the diskpart program to format your partition. Follow these steps to do so:

  1. If you see the The machine rebooted abruptly problem notice after booting from your USB flash drive, click Shift + F10 to enter Command Prompt.
  2. Enter diskpart and click Enter once Command Prompt has opened.
  3. Enter the volume of the list and click Enter. You should see a list of all accessible partitions. Remember the Volume number of the partition on which you want to install Windows 10.
  4. Volume 1 should be selected. In our example, we selected volume 1, but you should use the volume that corresponds to your partition.
  5. Press Enter to enter the format fs=ntfs quick label=test. Test may be replaced with any other name you choose for your partition. We must caution you that running this command would delete all files and folders on the chosen disk. 1634740770_232_The-computer-restarted-unexpectedly-Windows-10-error
  6. To leave Command Prompt, type exit and hit Enter.
  7. After restarting your computer, the issue with The loop should be solved when the machine rebooted suddenly.

4. Modify your boot options

It’s possible that your boot settings are causing you problems. The computer suddenly rebooted, causing an error to display. Users claim that by making a few modifications to Command Prompt, they were able to resolve the issue. Simply follow these procedures to do so:

  1. Press the Alt + F10 shortcut while your computer is starting up.
  2. The Command Prompt window will now open. Remove /noexecute=optin and reboot the machine. Now hit the Enter key.
  3. You should now see a boot screen with the recovery partition’s location. After pressing Enter, the recovery procedure should begin.

This is an unusual approach, but it seems to have worked for many people, so you may want to give it a go.

It’s worth noting that this solution is designed for Acer laptops, so if you don’t have an Acer laptop, you may not be able to use it.

Having trouble starting Windows 10? With this approach, repairing them is as simple as breathing.

5. Unplug all of your USB devices

Most of us have a variety of USB devices on our computers, however these devices may occasionally cause Windows to malfunction, resulting in the The machine rebooted abruptly problem.

If you’re experiencing this issue, make sure all of your USB devices, including flash drives, printers, and even your USB keyboard and mouse, are turned off.

Disconnecting your USB mouse and keyboard has been claimed to solve the issue by many people, so give it a go.

We’re not sure what’s causing this problem with your keyboard and mouse, but if it happens to you, try this remedy.

6. Modify the BIOS settings

Many settings are controlled by your BIOS, and if it isn’t correctly setup, you may be unable to start your computer.

To find possible problems, run a System Scan.


To detect Windows problems, click Start Scan.


To solve problems with Patented Technologies, click Repair All.

To identify faults causing security issues and slowdowns, do a PC Scan using Restoro Repair Tool. The repair procedure will replace damaged files with new Windows files and components once the scan is completed.

In reality, your BIOS settings may cause the The machine rebooted abruptly problem to occur. However, by adjusting a few options, you may be able to resolve this issue.

Follow these steps to do so:

  1. While the computer is booting up, go into the BIOS.
  2. Navigate to Advanced Tab > Onboard Device Configuration after you’ve entered BIOS.
  3. SATA Mode should be set to AHCI.
  4. Now go to the Boot tab and enable Secure Boot. Change Load Legacy OPROM to Disable as well.
  5. Save your settings after changing the Boot Mode to UEFI.

To access the boot menu, press F12 while your computer is starting up. Choose your UEFI boot device now. Keep in mind that not all of these options may be accessible in BIOS; if that’s the case, try enabling the ones that are.

If the problem continues, try deactivating each of the aforementioned options one at a time to see if it resolves the problem.

This is a difficult problem, and often the only way to solve it is via trial and error.

It’s worth noting that this isn’t the most straightforward or universal approach, but it may work for you, so give it a go.

If this approach doesn’t work, be sure to reset your settings to their default levels to prevent further issues.

7. Make use of Windows 10’s recovery partition.

You may be able to solve the The machine rebooted abruptly problem by utilizing the recovery drive.

Recovery disk is a handy tool that enables you to restore your computer to its previous condition without having to reinstall it.

Some PCs come with a recovery disk built in, but if yours doesn’t, you’ll have to build one on another Windows 10 machine. You must perform the following to establish a recovery drive:

  1. Connect your computer to a USB flash drive. You’ll need a disk with at least 8GB of space for this job. In certain instances, an 8GB disk will not enough, and many users advise using at least a 16GB drive.
  2. Enter recovery mode by pressing Windows Key + S. From the list of options, choose Recovery. 1634740772_868_The-computer-restarted-unexpectedly-Windows-10-error
  3. Choose Create a recovery drive now. 1634740773_747_The-computer-restarted-unexpectedly-Windows-10-error
  4. Choose to build a recovery drive on your USB flash drive and finish the procedure by following the on-screen directions.

After you’ve created the recovery disk, you’ll need to:

  1. Connect your hard drive to your computer.
  2. To reach the Advanced Boot area, restart your PC multiple times throughout the boot process.
  3. Select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > System Image Recovery from the Troubleshooting menu.
  4. Now, to restore your PC, follow the on-screen instructions.

Keep in mind that this is a more sophisticated solution, so proceed with caution. It’s worth noting that a recovery drive from another computer may or may not function, so it’s always a good idea to build a recovery disc on your own computer before you have any issues.

You may want to try downloading the recovery disc from your computer maker, as well. You may also attempt to solve the issue by recovering your drivers using third-party solutions.

8. Make a BIOS update.

If your BIOS is out of date, you may have this issue in certain instances. In certain cases, an out-of-date BIOS may create problems. The computer restarted suddenly error appears, and you may need to upgrade your BIOS to resolve the issue.

Updating BIOS is a complex procedure that, if done incorrectly, may result in additional computer issues. You may potentially permanently harm your motherboard in certain instances, so proceed with caution.

Because you can’t access Windows, you’ll need to download a new version of BIOS and save it to your flash drive on a separate computer. Now you must open Command Prompt and execute the BIOS upgrade from there.

Check your motherboard’s documentation for comprehensive information on how to upgrade your BIOS.

Check whether the issue has been addressed after updating your BIOS to the most recent version.

The computer restarted suddenly loop may be annoying and hinder you from installing Windows 10, but perhaps one of our methods will help you solve it.

In the comments area below, let us know which one worked best for you.

1634156757_749_How-to-fix-Dell-PC-error-code-0146 Are you still experiencing problems? Use this tool to fix them:

  1. Download this TrustPilot.com-rated PC Repair Tool (download starts on this page).
  2. To identify Windows faults that may be causing PC difficulties, click Start Scan.
  3. To resolve problems with Patented Technologies, click Repair All (Exclusive Discount for our readers).

This month, 0 readers have downloaded Restoro.

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The the computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error windows 10 dell is a common message that appears when Windows 10 encounters an error. There are many solutions to fix this issue, but the most common solution is to reinstall Windows 10.

{“@context”:”https://schema.org”,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I fix Windows 10 restarted unexpectedly?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
You can try to restart your computer and see if that fixes the issue. If not, you may need to reinstall Windows 10.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I fix a Windows 10 installation error?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
First, try restarting your computer. If that doesnt work, try running a system scan with Windows Defender or another antivirus program.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I fix unexpected error sorry we ran into a problem?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Sorry, we ran into a problem.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I fix Windows 10 restarted unexpectedly?

You can try to restart your computer and see if that fixes the issue. If not, you may need to reinstall Windows 10.

How do I fix a Windows 10 installation error?

First, try restarting your computer. If that doesnt work, try running a system scan with Windows Defender or another antivirus program.

How do I fix unexpected error sorry we ran into a problem?

Sorry, we ran into a problem.

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