On the surface, the idea of managing computer files efficiently might not seem that important to some people. However, there are plenty of those who need to be thorough and efficient, particularly when it comes to work-related data.

If you feel like you are not doing a good enough job at managing files on your computer, it is time to introduce some changes. And these changes can be made with the information provided below.

Keep Files in Separate Folders

Let’s start with the basics. To keep files organized and avoid mess, you need to use folders. Whether it is an applications folder, images folder, video game folder, or any other folder, relevant files should be kept in relevant folders.

You can take things to another level by also adding custom icons to folders to distinguish them easier. Of course, you will also need to name each folder so that it is easier to navigate through the data.

Create a Naming Convention for Data

Speaking of naming your folders, it is crucial to establish naming conventions for the files on a computer. If you miss this step, expect to encounter a lot of issues while searching for files because you forgot to name a folder or an individual file.

One could argue that it is bothersome to add names to every file, but unless you establish a system and stick to it, the problems will pile up and snowball, leaving you with a database nobody can navigate through. 

Utilize Cloud Services

Utilizing cloud services is a good piece of advice because you do not have to rely just on your computer to store data. External storage is also an option, but there is more to keeping files in clouds.

If you have to share files with your coworkers, for example, doing so via cloud services feels hassle-free. Not to mention that you can modify files directly without moving data to a computer.

Transfer Data to External Storage Accessories

Similar to cloud storage, external accessories like hard drives and USB flash drives are useful as well.

These days, not that many people bother storing data on physical accessories. They prefer the digital approach using clouds. 

Nevertheless, if you wish to explore potential ideas to solve some storage issues, then an HDD or a USB flash drive should come in handy. Internal drives of computers have limited storage, and if you notice that the available space is shrinking, you will need a solution, and that is where external storage accessories come in.

Delete Clutter on a Regular Basis

It should be a given that you need to remove unnecessary files on a regular basis. However, the problem with this particular point is that some people neglect data deletion and let the clutter accumulate.

There are also those who forget about certain types of files. For instance, downloading media and other stuff online and not deleting it afterward.

Cleanup utility tools can be useful in such cases. You can automate the processes of getting rid of unnecessary data on a computer. Not to mention that most of these tools also have a feature to clear the temporary system cache and other data that most users do not bother deleting manually.

Back Up Data

Data backups should be a cornerstone of managing computer data. You cannot predict when something might happen to the files. Be it accidental deletion, a cybersecurity threat, or hardware issues, there are multiple causes that lead to data loss.

Use backup software and make sure that you have copies of files. Ideally, you should have multiple backup options as an extra precaution.

Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + C, Ctrl + X, and Ctrl + V are a few examples of how you can manage computer files more efficiently using keyboard shortcuts. However, depending on your operating system, there should be plenty of other combinations that add efficiency.

Perhaps you want to remove a file permanently or rename multiple files simultaneously? If there is a task, there should be a keyboard shortcut for it.

Consider Automation Tools

You are probably already using software that affects computer data. For example, antivirus tools are there to prevent malware and other threats from corrupting data and force you to use recovery tools. 

Since managing data is so important, given that we live in a digital age, it is common to see various tools that can automate certain processes or make things easier.

Check various feedbacks and use Google to search for tools that you believe to be relevant to you. Perhaps you want an app that warns you about storage running out on your computer? Or maybe you need to convert files to different formats, and using free tools online is not enough?

The possibilities are not endless, but the odds are that if you have a file management problem, there ought to be a solution in the form of software.


To sum it all up, this article should work as a good guide to help you with managing files. Not only will you be more efficient, but you should also notice a slight increase in computer performance improvements because there is less junk on the drive, thanks to your good file management.